RCC news

    On February 21, a meeting of the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) was held with 60 representatives of 27 organizations from Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Volodymyr Ignatiev, a representative of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Foundation, spoke about the cooperation process, evaluation criteria and requirements for organizations

    On February 21, a meeting of the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) was held with 60 representatives of 27 organizations from Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Volodymyr Ignatiev, a representative of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Foundation, spoke about the cooperation process, evaluation criteria and requirements for organizations

    He also presented the main indicators of UHF's activities over the past year: 182 million distributed, 74 funded projects, and 6.8 million people who received assistance. The project manager of the Charitable Foundation "Smile UA" shared the experience of implementing the project "Economic Resilience Program of Ukraine", including the issuance of business grants and trainings. Cluster Coordinator Victoria Davydova presented the partners' activities and announced the monthly newsletter for November and December.

    On February 20, the Humanitarian Coordination Center held a meeting on "Integration of IDPs in society", which was attended by 57 representatives of charitable and civil society organizations and military administrations

    On February 20, the Humanitarian Coordination Center held a meeting on "Integration of IDPs in society", which was attended by 57 representatives of charitable and civil society organizations and military administrations

    The participants discussed the problems and challenges of IDP integration and developed 5 potential projects during a team brainstorming session. Most of the ideas were related to children's education and unemployment, which are key obstacles to IDPs' socialization. The meeting also created a dialogic platform for networking, which facilitated the exchange of experiences and contacts.

    Retreat 2 round

    Retreat 2 round

    From February 9 to 15, 18 participants from 15 public and charitable organizations took part in the retreat. The main objectives were to improve the psycho-emotional and physical condition of the volunteers, to give them a chance to relax and reboot. For 6 days, the participants attended body and art therapy classes, worked with a psychologist, went for walks and participated in various activities, such as excursions and Ukrainian song evenings.

    On February 7, the Humanitarian Coordination Center held a coordination meeting on "Education of public figures"

    On February 7, the Humanitarian Coordination Center held a coordination meeting on "Education of public figures"

    The event was attended by 13 local charitable organizations, representatives from the administration and local authorities.

    The CCC presented a training intensive on project activities for local charitable organizations.

    They discussed current topics and issues related to project management, grant applications, and tax reporting.

    Participants divided into teams to brainstorm on current initiatives that can be implemented by philanthropists in Zaporizhzhia region.

    Everyone Matters retreat

    Everyone Matters retreat

    18 participants were selected. The retreat was aimed at ensuring the physical and psycho-emotional recovery of the participants and strengthening the capacity of volunteers to continue their activities. It also served as a dialog platform for interaction and exchange of experience between organizations.

    Over the course of 5 days, the participants had 5 art therapy sessions, 4 group and 4 individual sessions of body-oriented therapy, 7 group sessions with a psychologist and 8 individual consultations.

    In addition, there were daily walks in the mountains, excursions to alpacas, a trip to Bukovel, skiing, trout fishing, and constant informal communication, which helped to unite, create a friendly atmosphere, and establish business contacts between organizations.
