RCC news

    On January 29, 6 representatives of district administrations, 12 representatives of local charitable organizations and representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia Oblast visited the Humanitarian Coordination Centre

    On January 29, 6 representatives of district administrations, 12 representatives of local charitable organizations and representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia Oblast visited the Humanitarian Coordination Centre

    Three representatives of international organizations took part in the event as speakers.

    The participants discussed the need to comply with safety rules, exchanged contacts, experiences and opportunities to improve security measures for their volunteers. The organizations held a brainstorming session on the rules for conducting of safe humanitarian missions to the frontline areas.

    The results of the brainstorming session will be collected in a special memo on the rules for conducting safe humanitarian missions in frontline communities.

    On January 24, a meeting of the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) was held.

    On January 24, a meeting of the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) was held.

    The meeting was attended by 23 representatives of 16 organizations operating in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

    Food aid in 2023 amounted to: 3.45 million food parcels were distributed in Zaporizhzhia region, with a total of 44 out of 67 communities.

    On January 23, 2024, the Humanitarian Coordination Centre met with the Director of Operations and Advocacy of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Ms. Edem Vosornu, and the Head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine, Ms. Sarah Gilding der Veduven.

    On January 23, 2024, the Humanitarian Coordination Centre met with the Director of Operations and Advocacy of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Ms. Edem Vosornu, and the Head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine, Ms. Sarah Gilding der Veduven.

    In the framework of the meeting:

    Visited the new educational centre established by the charity foundation "Smile UA" and NGO "YES" with the support of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Foundation (educational services for children affected by war).

    They discussed ways to support and strengthen the local charitable sector in Ukraine:

    • Localization of humanitarian aid.
    • Unification of local foundations.
    • Increasing the capacity to attract international organizations to the region.
    • Drawing donors' attention to the need to take into account the percentage of taxation when working with partners.

    Emphasized the importance of supporting non-governmental organizations in the east of the country.

    Meeting-presentation of projects for 2024 for NGOs

    Meeting-presentation of projects for 2024 for NGOs

    26 representatives of NGOs from Zaporizhzhia Oblast gathered to discuss plans for 2024 and get answers to questions.

    The organizations presented their projects and areas of work:

    • NGO "Tenth of April" spoke about opportunities to support NGOs, grant programs, education, training, forums, as well as psychological and legal assistance.
    • CO "Svit Ukrayinam" shared its experience in supporting the mental health of volunteers, telling about retreats and their importance.
    • CGC presented its current projects: volunteer insurance, scholarships, retreats, the Stories of Caring media project, evacuation assistance (equipment, bus repairs, fuel), and an evacuation hotline.

    The meeting became a platform for sharing experiences and establishing cooperation between NGOs. The participants received valuable information and were able to plan joint actions for the future.

    Free volunteer insurance

    Free volunteer insurance

    A project providing free insurance for volunteers has been launched! The Humanitarian Coordination Centre is launching a project to insure volunteers in Zaporizhzhia region! Our insurance policy provides a financial payment of up to UAH 300 thousand in the event of: accidents; military risks. We understand that volunteers risk their own lives every day in frontline and dangerous areas to help others. Those volunteers who work in Zaporizhzhia may also become victims of military operations. Therefore, our team provides an opportunity and encourages volunteers to insure their lives in such a turbulent time for the country.
