+4 814т
Of food delivered
Of hygiene products delivered
+35 013
Completed requests
+3 271
People are involved in trainings
The coordination meeting on the establishment of a Rapid Response Group focused on enhancing collaboration between local organizations and state institutions for effective crisis response in the region. Participants outlined key priorities, including developing a unified action algorithm, conducting regular training, and equipping response teams. Representatives of the involved organizations reaffirmed their commitment to cooperation and joint efforts.
From November 5 to 6, 2024, the charitable organization “ADRA Ukraine,” in coordination with the Humanitarian Coordination Center, provided humanitarian assistance to the residents of Zaporizhzhia. A total of 62.5 tons of high-quality wood fuel briquettes were delivered, ensuring heating for 13 dormitories and shelters. This support has become a significant contribution to creating comfortable living conditions during the winter season.
We extend our gratitude to our partners and everyone involved in this initiative for their timely assistance and support.
Humanitarian hubs in Zaporizhzhia region play a crucial role in assisting internally displaced persons (IDPs). Since September, the number of evacuated families has increased, including 269 new arrivals, of whom 66 are children and 27 are people with disabilities. The Relief Coordination Centre has developed a unified assistance system, including food and hygiene kits, cash assistance, and medical support. Key organizations like GEM, Foundation Ukraine, and Right to Protection Foundation are ensuring that new arrivals receive food, hygiene kits, and legal consultations. Ongoing needs include clothing, dishes, and bedding.