RCC news

    New Year's miracles must come true!

    New Year's miracles must come true!

    On December 28, 2023, a New Year's celebration was held for 92 internally displaced children living in temporary accommodation facilities.

    Various locations were set up for the event: workshops on making Christmas decorations and toys; active games with favorite fairy-tale characters; transforming into superheroes with face paint; delicious croissants, pizza and


    In the end, the children met St. Nicholas, to whom they recited poems and presented drawings. In memory of the holiday, the kids received nice gifts and the opportunity to "light up" at a snow disco. 

    The feeling of warmth and care, support and positive emotions are the most valuable gifts. Let us remember this and create pleasant memories for children in the future.

    We express our gratitude to our partners who made this event even bigger and more magical.

    On December 21, the FSL Cluster held its monthly meeting in Zaporizhzhia, where 21 representatives from 14 organizations and 3 humanitarian aid hubs discussed the current situation and plans for 2024

    On December 21, the FSL Cluster held its monthly meeting in Zaporizhzhia, where 21 representatives from 14 organizations and 3 humanitarian aid hubs discussed the current situation and plans for 2024


    • Discussion of challenges and gaps in the humanitarian response: A significant gap in the provision of assistance in Vasylivka district was identified, which will be emphasized in 2024.
    • Establishment of Rady VPO working groups: 6 groups that correspond to specific topics related to IDP support.
    • Counteracting duplication of assistance: Petro Boyko from Caritas Zaporizhzhia presented the Beneficiary Checking database.
    • Mini-grants project: Representatives of the URCS, Caritas Zaporizhzhia and EOC Mazal LLC presented a project to provide assistance to mini-grants, vulnerable groups and people with disabilities.
    • Humanitarian response plan for 2024: 2 priority goals:
    • Providing immediate assistance to food insecure people.
    • Strengthening the self-sufficiency and capacity of vulnerable households.
    • Cooperation with the Ukrainian Humanitarian Foundation (UHF): A list of current partners and sub-partners of UHF, as well as an opportunity for other cluster organizations to join the list.

    The meeting became a platform for information exchange, establishing cooperation and planning joint actions for the future.

    On November 3, "NEBAIDUZHI forum" took place in Zaporizhzhia

    On November 3, "NEBAIDUZHI forum" took place in Zaporizhzhia

    On November 3, Zaporizhzhia hosted the "CARE Forum" organized by the Humanitarian Coordination Centre with support from USAID. The forum brought together 182 participants from various fields, including representatives of charitable organizations, international partners, district administrations, communities, departments, the State Emergency Service, police and business.

    The forum included panel discussions on 5 topics:

    • Humanitarian architecture and humanitarian response plan for Zaporizhzhia Oblast in 2023.
    • Innovations in humanitarian response in Ukraine.
    • Safety of volunteers.
    • Philanthropy for charity.
    • Ways to finance volunteer activities.

    The "CARING FORUM" has become a dialog platform for the exchange of experience between volunteers, representatives of civil society and humanitarian workers. The experience gained will allow us to become one step closer to implementing positive changes in the humanitarian sphere.

    Coordination meeting of the FSL Cluster in the Zaporizhzhia region

    Coordination meeting of the FSL Cluster in the Zaporizhzhia region

    On October 25, a coordination meeting of the FSL Cluster in Zaporizhzhia region was held with the participation of 32 charitable organizations and 4 hubs. Natalia Kyrylova, Advisor to the Head of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration on IDPs, presented the new advisory body "IDP Council" and emphasized the interest of the regional administration in addressing the needs of internally displaced persons and readiness to cooperate with the Cluster partners.

    The meeting also highlighted the urgent problem of winterization for IDPs. As a result, it was decided to apply to the IDP Council and attend its meeting on November 22, as well as to invite all district and community hubs that provide assistance to IDPs in the region to the next meeting.

    On September 27, the monthly meeting of the Subnational Cluster was held at the regional level

    On September 27, the monthly meeting of the Subnational Cluster was held at the regional level

    The organizer of the event and coordinator of the CB3I, Victoria Davydova, engaged specialists from the of the Coordination Humanitarian Centre to maximize the coverage of PB3I issues in Zaporizhzhia and Zaporizhzhia oblast. Representatives of the local charitable sector had the opportunity to present their work and talk about the results of their activities. The event was reviewed and discussed: Presentation of updated information on the response to the problems of FSW in Zaporizhzhia oblast. Gap analysis at the district/community level. Informing about the provision of electricity, gas and water supply to the settlements of Zaporizhzhia region.

    The Humanitarian Department presented to the representatives of the foundations new files with monitoring of settlements located near the contact line, accessibility of banks, shops and markets, and of course, the acute problem of forced evacuations in the region was considered.
