RCC news

    Meeting on "Grant management" for hubs and assistance centers

    Meeting on "Grant management" for hubs and assistance centers

    On June 27, the Humanitarian Relief Center held a meeting on Grant Management for hubs and assistance centers. Kateryna Konstantynova with a workshop, humanitarian hubs of Kyrylivska and Vasylivska communities, the Smile UA foundation, and the Zaporizhia Regional Employment Center took part in this event. The goal was to strengthen the capacity of hubs, improve cooperation, and improve grant writing skills. Thank you all for your active participation and valuable exchange of experience!

    The Coordination Humanitarian Center, in cooperation with its partners, organized a series of children's events called "The Road of Childhood" on the occasion of the Children's Day

    The Coordination Humanitarian Center, in cooperation with its partners, organized a series of children's events called "The Road of Childhood" on the occasion of the Children's Day

    Local and international organizations joined forces to create a holiday for 700 children in the format of a charity fair with a special map of locations. The children took part in various activities, workshops and interactive games, earning "mandriks" to exchange for goodies and gifts. A separate area for parents was organized with the support of the mental health program "How are you?". We sincerely thank our partners and volunteers for creating this bright holiday.

    SSA project together with ACTED visited frontline communities

    SSA project together with ACTED visited frontline communities

    On June 13, the SSA project team of the NGO Relief Coordination Center together with ACTED visited the frontline communities of Ternuvatska and Novomykolaivska communities. The partners met with local leaders, presented new projects, and assessed the needs of the communities. ACTED noted the communities' interest in recovery and development. We support communities by providing training information on how to create community organizations and fundraising.

    Coordination meeting "The importance of humanitarian principles"

    Coordination meeting "The importance of humanitarian principles"

    On June 11, a meeting ‘The importance of humanitarian principles’ was held by the Relief Coordination Cente of Zaporizhia region with international organizations ACTED and Nonviolent Peaceforce. The importance of adhering to humanitarian principles and attracting international grants was discussed. Participants learned how these principles protect workers and beneficiaries and affect grant funding. The meeting was followed by informal networking with ACTED representatives.

    On May 24, the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) met with 30 representatives from 20 organizations, communities and hubs in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

    On May 24, the Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC) met with 30 representatives from 20 organizations, communities and hubs in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

    They discussed the humanitarian situation in the region, identifying a gap in food assistance for 23,088 people and duplication of assistance in some areas. The Kyiv-based charity organization District #1 presented its project to provide 22 tons of sowing potatoes to the Vilnia community, which benefited 2,788 people. The charitable foundation "Smile UA" spoke about its cooperation with WFP, providing assistance to 14,299 people (6,599 households). They also discussed changes in the composition of WFP food parcels and the security situation in Kharkiv region.
